Name of the student
Last Class Studied Last Class StudiedUKGClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XI
Name of the institution in which the student is at present studying
Name of the Father
Name of the Mother
Occupation of the father / Company name / location
Sibling Studying in the School
Contact No. of the Father
Contact No. of the Mother
Email ID of the Father
Email ID of the Mother Group Selected English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, BiologyEnglish, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, ComputerEnglish, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, PsychologyEnglish, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, PsychologyEnglish, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Applied MathsEnglish, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Informatics Practices 6th Subject : Choose Anyone TamilFashion StudiesPolitical SciencePhysical EducationEntrepreneurship Marks Obtained (STD X Mark) Term1 Term2 Rev1 Rev2 Willingness to enroll in coaching class for competititve exams The school has planned a three hour coaching session for JEE/NEET/foundation CA for Class XI. The coaching session will follow a weekly test conducted on Saturdays post lunch. Weekly. assignments will be given on Friday and the student is expected to complete and submit on Monday morning. The sessions will be conducted by a coaching academy in school with the presence of a PVM. teacher. These sessions will be within school hours. All Saturdays will be working days up to 3.00 p.m. except one Saturday off in a month. The fee for JEE and NEET: Rs.20,000/- to Rs.23,000/- Approximately for a year Foundation CA:Rs.8000/- is suggested to be paid by 5th Junr 2023 I am willing to EnrollI Will think and Decide by April 15thI am Not Willing to Enroll Please note: Those students who are not willing will be in a separate class in school, teachers will handle the session. Those students who are willing will attend the session in the Audio visual room along with school teacher during school hours